More than 300 people gathered joyfully at the Hartford Marriott Downtown Hotel on May 9, 2018, to celebrate the seven amazing Wonder Women in the Class of ’18–and to raise needed funds for the Malta House of Care Mobile Medical Clinic. Thanks to 26 sponsors and lively bidding and raffle ticket sales, Malta netted just under $89,000 from the event.
Dorothy Beaucar, 99, of Bristol, who’s spent 30+ years of “retirement” actively volunteering for the Haitian Health Foundation, the American Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, and St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bristol
Sr. Maureen Faenza, CSJ and Sr. Theresa Fonti, CSJ of Hartford, co-founders and current managers of the 38-year-old House of Bread, which serves 130,000 meals and 140,000 lunches for schoolchildren annually, along with many other supports and services
Rosa Morales of Hartford, a well-known and well-respected neighborhood activist who’s worked tirelessly for decades to improve her Behind the Rocks community
Mikaela Nelson, a University of Hartford student from Buffalo, NY, who uses a 3D printer to create dolls customized with prosthetic limbs, scarred skin, hearing aids, etc. to help kids with disabilities feel more comfortable about their bodies
Ronit Shoham of West Hartford, who starts, runs, or supports dozens of organizations to make the Greater Hartford community more accessible, inclusive, and successful – all as a volunteer
Hyacinth Yennie of Hartford, longtime president of the Maple Avenue Revitalization Group and leader in myriad other community organizations, who has earned a reputation as a smart, fair, and persistent South End neighborhood advocate