Providing Free Primary Health Care to Uninsured Adults of Greater Waterbury Since 2010

Malta Waterbury van


Clinic Location & Hours

Tuesdays & Wednesdays | 1-5pm
St. Francis Xavier Church
625 Baldwin Street, Waterbury

Sign-up begins at 12pm in the church hall
Patients must be present at 12pm for registration or they may lose their place in line

Patients will be served on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sign-up as early as possible on the day you would like to be seen.
Sign-up begins in the morning at the clinic location.

**Schedule Change**
Beginning February 2019 we are no longer providing services at Sacred Heart-Sagrado Corazon Church.
We regret any hardship this may cause for our patients.


About Malta Waterbury

Malta House of Care-Waterbury, Inc. began providing primary health care services to uninsured adults of the Greater Waterbury region in 2010. The mobile clinic utilizes an all-volunteer staff of medical professionals. Primary care services only. Referrals will be made for specialty care at regional hospitals as needed.

Dietitian counseling is also available to Malta Waterbury patients free of charge.

If you speak a language other than English or Spanish, please bring an English-speaking friend or family member to act as an interpreter.

Additional services are provided in partnership with the Waterbury Health Access Program (WHAP). WHAP Case Managers can assist Malta Waterbury patients to: enroll in a health insurance program; find a medical home or specialist; or apply for free or low-cost prescription drug programs.
WHAP case managers speak Spanish and Portuguese. WHAP Office: 203-573-7681


Eligibility Requirements

There are three criteria for care at Malta Waterbury:

  • You must be age 18 or older
  • You may not have insurance of any kind
  • You must bring a picture ID with proof of local residency



Malta House of Care-Waterbury, Inc. relies on the kindness and generosity of volunteers for the provision of primary health care services, medical translation, and administrative support. Volunteers are the heart and soul of Malta. If you would like to directly impact the lives of our patients by volunteering in our mobile clinic, contact Colleen O’Connor at

We are currently accepting volunteer applications for nurses, physicians and medical assistants with current CT licenses, as well as, certified translators and administrative staff.


Board of Directors

Michael C. Culhane, Chairman
Paul F. Kelly, MD, President/Secretary
Gregory S. Oneglia, Treasurer
Peter G. Kelly
Michael F. Simms, MD
Leslie S. Swiderski, MSW, RN
Marie A. Vitarelli, RN



Colleen O’Connor, MPH, Program Director
Ali Vaezy, MD, Volunteer Medical Director


Contact Us

By Mail:
Malta House of Care-Waterbury, Inc.
P.O. Box 247
Middlebury, CT 06762

In person, by appointment:
Malta Office at St. Mary’s Hospital:
56 Franklin Street, 8th Floor, O’Brien Building
Waterbury, CT 06706

By Phone or Fax or Email:
Office: 203-709-6309
Cell: 203-560-9088
Fax: 203-568-6835
Hablamos Español: 203-573-7681


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