A basic building block of life is healthcare and for over 17 years,
the Malta House of Care Clinic has provided primary healthcare
to thousands of uninsured adults in the Greater Hartford area thanks to you!
- Maybe you’re one of the thousands of supporters to the Malta House of Care mobile medical clinic that allow us to provide healthcare at NO COST to uninsured adults…
- Maybe you’re one of our many COMPASSIONATE and CARING VOLUNTEER healthcare professionals who give our patients your precious time and expertise…
- Maybe you’re one of our founders, board members or staff—past or present—who have worked tirelessly to make a difference for THOUSANDS of uninsured adults in the Greater Hartford area…
- Whatever role you’ve had in the Malta House of Care for the past 17+ years, YOU have been one of the building blocks of this amazing mission we continue to this day.
So what’s next?
A beautiful, modern brick-and-mortar facility on the campus of St. Joseph’s Cathedral in downtown Hartford! This site will be in addition to our mobile clinic that will continue to visit underserved neighborhoods in Greater Hartford. And YOU can memorialize your role in the life of the Malta House of Care by contributing to our Building Block Program at the new facility.
Each donation will be honored with one of our beautiful Lucite® Building Blocks that will adorn the walls and corridors of the Malta House of Care clinic. It could be your name, your family’s name, or in memory of or to honor a loved one.Won’t you continue the mission with us and help every adult in the Greater Hartford area enjoy a life with one of the basic building blocks—primary healthcare—so they can work, care for family, contribute to the community, and LIVE HEALTHY?
To reserve your Malta Building Block, simply fill out the form below or download this form and mail to back.