We are thrilled to share some exciting updates and stories in our latest spring newsletter! Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect:

  1. Unveiling Our New Strategic Plan: Learn about our newly unveiled three-year strategic plan, which outlines our mission, vision, and goals for the future. Discover how we’re working to expand our reach and impact in the Greater Hartford community.
  2. Spotlight on Our Partnership with Avangrid: We are grateful for this partnership that allows us to enhance diabetes care to Malta’s patients
  3. Patient Success Story: Read an inspiring patient success story and discover how Malta House of Care is making a difference in the lives of uninsured adults in our community.
  4. Honoring Malta Founding Members: Join us in honoring the founding members of Malta House of Care, whose vision and dedication laid the foundation for our organization’s success.
  5. Introducing “Minute with Malta,” an innovative program exclusively for our staff and volunteers to stay informed about recent healthcare developments started by Malta’s Medical Director Dr. Angela Stein, M.D. FACP.
  6. Birdies for Charity and Upcoming Wonder Women Event: Get the latest updates on our participation in Birdies for Charity and learn how you can support our mission. Plus, find out all the details about our upcoming Wonder Women event, where we’ll be celebrating extraordinary women making a difference in our community.

Don’t miss out on these inspiring stories and important updates! Be sure to check your mailbox for our spring newsletter, coming soon. And for those who prefer digital reading, the newsletter stories are reproduced as news posts for your reference and convenience. Simply click on the links above to read the full articles. Or view the PDF here